Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2_discussion_Human Resource Development

Week 2_discussion_Human Resource Development

Q Question 3: What is the relationship between organizational needs analysis and strategic planning? How can tying HRD programs to an organization’s strategic plan make it easier to justify requests for resources to develop and deliver HRD programs?

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As to discuss the relationship between strategic planning and organizational needs analysis, it can be said that strategic planning is considered as a process that sets priorities and also focuses on the resources to make a stronger operation for the employees and the stakeholders who are working towards a common goal. There are certain similarities between the strategic planning procedure with the vision or mission of an organization. It can be said that strategic planning is helpful for social and economic advances in life which includes a proactive approach for the organization (França Versiani, Loureiro Rezende, Novaes Magalhães & Lófti Vaz, 2018).